The Rosses
71 Years


Rev. Tony & Marjorie ross

MARRIED: June 3, 1953 - 71 Years
Lake Charles, Louisiana

Rev. Tony and Marjorie Ross have lived a life of devotion first to Jesus and then to each other. While Tony was serving in the Korean War, he was in occupied Japan, and he picked out some china and had it shipped home for his bride-to-be. They started their life together in rural Oklahoma. They have pastored and been in the ministry for over 60 years. The Ross’s have 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren.

Both in their 90’s, the Rosses are blessed to maintain their independence, driving to church every Sunday and Wednesday. A recent comment on Facebook described them as the epitome of integrity.

The Rosses currently attend Westlake Pilgrim Nazarene in Westlake, Louisiana.

Any 70+-year marriage is a symphony of shared dreams and harmonious companionship. Through life’s crescendos and diminuendos, they’ve stayed in tune with each other’s needs and desires.

Their love story resonates with the power of active listening, mutual growth, and the sweet melody of laughter that has kept their hearts young and their bond unbreakable. 

A joyful heart is good medicine – Proverbs 17:22!