How To Talk About Terrorism

How To Talk About…


  • The continued activity of terrorists both here and abroad and the growing strength of ISIS should remind the U.S. that terrorism is still alive and well.
  • A half-hearted strategy of limited bombings and a slow-motion plan of Syrian opposition has offered little hope of success.


  • The U.S. needs an unashamed projection of American strength aimed at deterring threats before they materialize.
  • The U.S. needs to assume a leadership role in order for stability to be restored in the Middle East.
  • The U.S. must rededicate itself to working with allies, providing support for terrorism-fighting tools, increasing information sharing and security efforts, and expanding partnerships with local, state, and international law enforcement.


  1. Enhance international information sharing, specifically in the Passenger Name Record and Visa Waiver Programs.
  2. Improve visa security coordination between Departments of State and Homeland Security to help prevent terrorist travel.
  3. Support the Federal Flight Deck Officer program that allows trained pilots to carry firearms.
  4. Prohibit attempts to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center and create a lawful detainment framework to deal with unlawful combatants.


  1. From 1970 to 2014, there were 141,966 terrorist incidents worldwide.
  2. At least 76 terrorist plots targeting the United States have been foiled since 9/11.
  3. Most transferred detainees have been suspected of or confirmed as re-engaging in terrorist activity.

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