How To Talk About…
- Every child deserves the chance to choose the education that best fits his or her unique learning needs.
- Decisions about education and spending are best made at the most local level possible, by states, school leaders, and parents.
- For most families in the U.S., the odds of attending a good school depend entirely on where they live. Parents should have the opportunity to send their children to the school that best fits their needs.
- The current college accreditation system serves the special interests of the higher education industry.
- Breaking the accreditation cartel would allow students to escape expensive, full-degree programs to chart their own path.
- Eliminate marriage penalties in welfare programs, the tax code, and Obamacare.
- Pass laws which prevent discrimination against those who define marriage as between a man and a woman.
- Allow states to opt out of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
- Reduce the size and scope of the Department of Education by eliminating ineffective and duplicative programs and consolidating other programs.
- Prevent any new federal funding of national standards and assessments.
- Allow states to make their Title I and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) dollars portable to empower parents with school choice.
- Recognize that parents and private preschool providers should be the first and second options for families, and avoid any incentives to expand government preschool.
- Decouple federal financing from accreditation.
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