2023 LFF Legislative Award Winners


Louisiana Family Forum (LFF) released its 2023 Legislative Scorecard earlier this year, a tool to assess the record of lawmakers on key votes during the 2023 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature.

“This year, LFF evaluated lawmakers based on support or opposition to life issues, religious and personal liberty, school choice and online age-verification of minors for adult content,” said Gene Mills, President of LFF. “The Scorecard serves as a snapshot of how elected officials voted and where divisions existed in House and Senate votes on critical faith and family issues. The public will be able to use LFF’s Scorecard to inform conversation and engagement with their lawmakers.”


These ten legislators are receiving a 2023 Life and Liberty Award for authoring key legislation that LFF merits as upholding Freedom and protecting Life and Liberty in Louisiana.


18 Representatives earned the Outstanding Family Advocate Award by scoring 100 percent on LFF’s Scorecard. These legislators will receive our esteemed Patrick Henry Award.


These awards are a highlight of our year – and although things may look a little different, we look forward to giving our network of pastors, churches, and families an opportunity to honor Louisiana lawmakers and inspire them as they write the next chapter of Louisiana history.

67 legislators will be honored with the Family Advocate Award for scoring 80 to 99 percent.