2023 Silver Anniversary Reflections


This year – our 25th Silver Anniversary Awards Gala – was a memorable event and one for the history books!  Click any of the links below to view the evening.

  • Click here to view the live stream on our FaceBook channel
  • Click here to view the live stream on our YouTube channel
  • Click here to view a pictorial review of all the evening’s photo albums
  • Click here to view the Awards Presentations photo album
  • Click here to view the lobby Photo Station photo album
  • Click here to view the Special Guest photo album
  • Click here to view the Main photo album of the evening

Please enjoy, and feel free to download your image!

Click these links to view our 2023 Legislative Scorecard and the 2023 Legislative Award Winners!

Each year, LFF recognizes legislators who vote pro-life and pro-family throughout the legislative session. Churches, business owners, and individuals from throughout Louisiana joined us to celebrate the exemplary state representatives and senators who stood for life, liberty, and limited government during our 2023 Regular Legislative Session. You helped us encourage elected representatives and senators to protect the traditional values of life, liberty, and limited government. Your support enables LFF to provide a loud and clear voice for traditional families throughout Louisiana.

Over the last 25 years, Louisiana Family Forum has secured many victories for families in our state. We have also made lifelong friendships with many in the state legislature. Join us as we honor this year’s Outstanding Family Advocates who have been fighting the battle for families in our state. Pastors, policymakers, business leaders, friends of the Forum, and you will gather for a special evening of dinner, fellowship, and giving “honor where honor is due.”

Team LFF