Pastor, The following Resources are available for your use. Should you have any questions feel free to email us at [email protected] or call the LFF office at (225)344-8533 or (800) 606-6470. Enjoy!
- PROTECTING YOUR MINISTRY — Supplied by Alliance Defending Freedom, this is a comprehensive handbook meant for all types of churches, Christian schools and Christian ministries. If you desire that your ministry remain a compassionate but faithful witness to God’s truth in our world today, a thoughtful consideration of the information in this book could spare you some of what other brothers and sisters in Christ have already been through. Get yours here.
- Suggested Church By-Law Revisions — Offered by Freedom Guard, this is suggested revisions and modifications of church by-laws in the midst of churches across the country being advised to review and amend their governing documents today in the wake of ongoing battles over same-sex “marriage,” overbroad “hate crimes” legislation, and relentless legal challenges to the fundamental rights of conscience and the free exercise of religion. While no church in Louisiana is required to maintain bylaws, such a document can be very helpful in clarifying and codifying more policies, procedures and matters of doctrine, etc., than are normally contained in a church’s articles of incorporation. The articulation of these positions is particularly important today as a means of protecting biblical conviction on the subject of marriage and human sexuality. Get yours here.
For Marriage Sermon Starters to use on any Sunday, check out these FREE materials:
- “The Mystery of Marriage” by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- “Marriage from Genesis to Revelation” by John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council.
- “One Flesh” from Genesis 2:18-24 by FRC’s Peter Sprigg.
- “Marriage Sunday” by Dr. Clayton Cloer, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Central Florida. This resource includes instructions on a vow renewal ceremony for your church.
- “God’s Design For Marriage And Family” by the Reverend Dr. John Guest, Pastor Emeritus of Christ Church at Grove Farm, in Sewickley, Pennsylvania.
- “Biblical Foundations of the Marriage Debate” by Dr. Jim Garlow, Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church, in San Diego, California.
- Greatest of these is Love” by Dr. Kenyn M. Cureton.