Louisiana’s Longest Married Couple Submission

Louisiana’s Longest Married Couple Candidate Form

Please fill out this form and help us find and honor them. Your couple just might be Louisiana’s 2025 Longest Married Couple! PLEASE NOTE: For consideration, all candidate submissions must be submitted by February 3rd, 2025. If you have any questions on the form below, please call the LFF office at 225-344-8533.

"*" indicates required fields

Contact Information of Person Submitting This Form

This section helps us reach you for additional information should we need it.
Submitter's Name:*
This is the name of the person submitting this form.

Longest Married Candidate Couple Contact Information

This section will be all about the candidate couple you are submitting for consideration in being named Louisiana’s 2025 Longest Married Couple.
Husband's Name*
Please let us know the Candidate Couple’s husband’s name.
Husband's Birth Date:
This is not required but is appreciated.
Wife's Name*
Please let us know the Candidate Couple’s wife’s name.
Wife's Birth Date:
This is not required but is appreciated.
Longest Married Couple's Mailing Address:

Longest Married Candidate Couple Wedding and Story Information

This section will be all about the candidate couple you are submitting for consideration in being named Louisiana’s 2025 Longest Married Couple. For consideration all submissions must be submitted by February 3, 2025.
Your Couple's Wedding Date:*
Please tell us the date of when they were married.
Tell us their story. We love to hear them! If you would like to see the stories from 2024 Longest Married winners, just CLICK HERE. This is not required but is greatly appreciated. If you have any issues with entering their wedding date just type it in the area below along with their story.
Please let us know about where they attend church or whom they consider to be their pastor – or anything you would like us to know about their church affiliation.
In addition to hearing their story, we would love to be able to use an image of the couple if you have one. This is not required, however, An image of them when they got married and/or a current image of the couple would be awesome! If you would like to see some examples, just CLICK HERE.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 200 MB, Max. files: 4.

    PLEASE NOTE: For consideration, all candidate submissions must be submitted by February 3rd, 2025. If you have any questions on the form, please call the LFF office at 225-344-8533.

    If you are ready to submit your form – click the button below!

    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.