How To Talk About…
- Fraud and abuse in the voting system undermine election results and negate votes.
- The right to vote in a free and fair election is a basic civil right, one on which many other rights of the American people depend.
- A fair, reliable voting process is integral to American democracy.
- With the stakes so high, Americans cannot have respect for and confidence in our democracy if no safeguards are in place to ensure accuracy and fairness in voting.
- Congress and the states can and should guarantee that every eligible individual is able to vote and that no one’s vote is stolen by fraud.
- States should require photographic identification for both absentee and in-person voting.
- State election officials should have access to Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland Security information to verify citizenship and the authenticity of voter registration applications.
- Require all state and federal courts to notify state election officials when individuals whose names are drawn from their voter registration rolls are excused from jury duty because they are not U.S. citizens.
- Amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to allow states to purge individuals who have not voted in two federal elections as long as they have been sent a written notice.
- Pew study shows that 24 million voter registrations are inaccurate, out-of-date, or duplicates, with 2.8 million people registered in two or more states and 1.8 million deceased individuals still registered.
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